
通过IP外名词性结构看第二语言习得过程中的迁移现象 被引量:5

Understanding Language Transfer from Nominal Construstions Beyond IP
摘要 长久以来,在第二语言习得领域,研究的重点一直都放在第一语言对第二语言的影响(即L 1向L 2的迁移),很少有人注意到第二语言对第一语言的影响(L 2向L 1的迁移)。实际上语言的迁移不仅仅是L 1向L 2的迁移,还包括L 2向L 1的迁移。本文旨在通过运用V ivan Cook有关多语能力(m u lti-com petence)的研究,通过调查英语对我国学生的汉语IP外名词性结构知识的影响,以证明这样的假设:中国学生的汉语句子结构知识受他们头脑中已经习得的英语句子结构知识的影响。说明L 1和L 2之间的影响是双向的,L 1会影响L 2,L 2也会影响L 1。 For a long time, the focus of SLA research has been on Ll-to-L2 transference. The transference from L2 to L1 has largely been neglected. As a matter of fact, L2 learners are at the same time L2 users, in whose minds there exist two languages, so it is understandable that the transference is in two ways not just in one way. In this research, the author uses nominal constructions beyond IP as examples to prove that the transference maybe both from L1 to L2 and from L2 to L1.
作者 王改燕
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期40-44,共5页 Foreign Language Education
关键词 IP外名词性结构 多语能力 语言的双向迁移 nominal constructions beyond IP multi-competence two-way language transference
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