
苯并[a]芘对雄性褐菖鲉精巢成熟的影响 被引量:1

Effect of benzo(a)pyrene exposure on the testis maturity of male cuvier
摘要 本实验采用雄性褐菖鲉作为实验对象,腹腔注射0.5×10-6、1×10-6、5×10-6、10×10-6(m/m)苯并[a]芘,7d后苯并[a]芘处理组精巢睾酮水平和睾酮与17β-雌二醇的比值都有上升,但都未表现出显著性差异(P>0.05).腹腔注射50×10-6(m/m)苯并[a]芘,11d后取出精巢,常规石蜡切片,结果显示雄性褐菖鲉的精巢,精小叶腔和输出管中精子密集程度明显增加,次级精母细胞减少,精巢壁厚度变薄.结果提示,苯并[a]芘对褐菖鲉具有类雄激素效应. In this experiment, intraperitoneal injections of benzo(a) pyrene(BaP) [ 0. 5 × 10^-6,1 × 10^-6 ,5× 10^-6,10 × 10^-6(m/m) ] were given to male cuviers. 7 days after the injections, levels of testosterone and testosterone/17β-estradiol in exposure groups increased, but there are no significant difference( P 〉0. 05 ) between the exposure groups and the control. An intraperitoneal injection of BaP [50 × 10^-6(m/m) ] was given to cuvier. 11 days after the injection, testis samples were collected, dealed with common tissue section. It was observed that the density of sperm in lobular lumen and vas efferens was increased distinctly. The secondary spermatogonium was decreased. The testis wall in TBT-treated group became thiner than the control. The result indicated BaP has an androgen effect on cuvier.
出处 《台湾海峡》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期368-373,共6页 Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40476049) 近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)基金资助
关键词 组织学 苯并[A]芘 激素 精巢 褐菖鮋 histology benzo(a) pyrene hormone testis Sebastiscus marmoratus
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