Objective: To explore the mechanism of acupuncture therapy in improving infant dysaudia and aphasis. Methods, Fifty-three children with dyseudia and aphasis caused by medicines were randomly divided into acupuncture group (31 cases) and control group (22 cases). Sishenzhen [4 points 1.5 cun left, right, superior and inferior respectively to Baihui (GV 20)1, Niesenzhen (point 1; 2 cun straight superior to the ear-tip; point 2 and 3:1 cun lateral to point 1), Ersanzhen [Tinggong (SI 19), Tinghui (GB 2) and Wangu (GB 12) ], Fengchi (GB 20), Yamen (GV 15), Hegu (LI 4), etc were punctured, once daily, 6 times a week. Infant patients in control group were ordered to take Flunarizine Hydrochloride (5 mg/time/d), ATP (20 mg/ time, t. i. d. ), Vit B1(20 mg/time, t. i. d. ) and Vit B6(20 mg/time, t. i. d. ). Both groups were treated for 4 months. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) induced by a brief click stimulus (110- 125 dB, 9 Hz) to one ear was recorded by using surface electrodes typically placed at the vertex of the scalp and ear lobes and Kepotin EP/EMG Instrument before and after the treatment. The waveform peaks were labeled as Ⅰ -Ⅴ. Results: Compared with pre-treatrnent, the latency values of peak Ⅰ and Ⅴ of acupuncture group decreased significantly (P〈 0.05); while comparison between two groups after the treatment showed that the latency values of peak Ⅰ and Ⅴ of acupuncture group were significantly lower than those of control group (P 〈 0.05). The interphases of peak Ⅰ - Ⅲ and peak Ⅲ -Ⅴ presented a similar tendency to those of peak latency, suggesting that the effect of acupuncture in improving auditory disorder is significantly better than that of medication. No significant differences were found between two groups in peak Ⅲ latency and interphase Ⅰ - Ⅴ (P〉0.05). Concision; Acupuncture has a good effect in lessening the latency and interphase of BAEP, which may be.responsible for its effec
Acupuncture Research
Infant dysaudia and aphasis Brainstem auditory evoked potential Acupuncture therapy