竹房屋系统的建造与实用建筑的方法有很大的区别。(1)原竹的利用和构架椽子作为主要的承载元素;(2)劈蔑竹和竹片胶合作为剪切壁,它能起到透风的作用,并能为其结构提供整体的稳定性;(3)根据危害和公共条件的程度作适当的竹子防腐处理;(4)在屋顶结构上,用于承载的接合点与软钢螺丝相结用于竹子的三角架;(5)竹席皱纹片用于顶部的包层。根据房屋的设计、内部的修饰和当地的条件,建造房屋时可采用低成本,在印度,每张板的价格为300 ̄500 卢比/m2。为了改进技术,印度胶合板工业研究与培训所近几年修建了几个样板建筑。活动房的具体建筑、创新理念以及观点在本文进行了阐述。
The Bamboo Housing system differs significantly from other established bamboo construction practices in many ways viz. - (a) Use of round bamboo columns and trussed rafters as main load bearing element, (b) Use of split bamboo grids/chicken mesh and plastered with cement mortar to act as shear walls for transmitting wind loads and to provide overall stability to the structure, (c) Application of appropriate preservative treatment of bamboo depending on the degree of hazard and service conditions, (d) Use of BMB gussets in combination with mild steel bolts for load bearing joints in roofing structure, and (e) Use of BMCS as roof claddings. The technology evolved ‘can be effectively adopted for construction of low-cost (single storied) houses with cost ranging from Rs. 300 to 500 per square feet depend upon the design of the house and nature of interior fmish, and also upon the local conditions. To promote this technology, IPIRTI had put several demonstrate structures throughout India during the last few years. The details of the above structures and an innovative idea of pre-fab housing and its conceptual are discussed in brief.
World Bamboo and Rattan
bamboo housing system
preservative treatment
construction practices
roofing structure