文章通过对传统的船体零件套料方法进行研究,综合分析船体零件的特点,提出通过开发O b jectARX程序,借助A u toCAD强大的图形处理功能,将船体零件图直接或间接包络处理为规则的二维图形,然后进行归类和排序,模拟人工和实际过程进行排样最终获取排样方案的方法。
Based on the study of traditional hull member nesting method, the paper does an overall analysis on the hull member features and puts forward a new method which, through re-exploitation of ObjectARX program and by utilizing powerful graphic treatment capability of AutoCAD, treat the hull member to regular 2-D figure through direct or indirect enclosure, sort and re-organize them and do nesting by simulating manual processing and practical processing to obtain final nesting.
Ship & Boat