采用裂区设计探讨了钾肥和多效唑两因素二水平对高羊茅(Festuca arundinecea Schreb.cv.Huntdog 5)越夏过程中保护酶活性的影响。研究结果表明:钾肥、多效唑、钾肥×多效唑互作达到极显著,综合得出B3C2(钾:140 kg/hm2,多效唑:250 mg/L)处理下,高羊茅的叶片细胞中保护酶活性相对较高,能显著增强高羊茅耐热性和延缓植株衰老,有利于其安全越夏。
The different pota CAT) in the 1 sp ssium plot design with three factors and three levels was employed to study the effect of different treatments with and plant growth retardant (PP333) applicated rates on the actives of protective enzymes (SOD, POD, eaves of Festuea arundinecea in the overaestivation. The result showed that the effect of potassium,PP333 and the interaction of potassium PP333, were very significant, The best practice , showing the higest aetives of protective enzymes in leaves of Festuca arundinacea, was B3C2 treatment. It was therefore suggested that the treatment with B3C2 was the better practice to signifieantly increase heat--resistanee, postpone the sertescence of Festuea arundinacca plants and overaestivate safely under the stress of high -temperature environment in summer.
Jingdezhen Comprehensive College Journal