通过F-scan足底压力分布解析系统对青少年女性穿不同类型鞋行走时的步态进行足底压力分布的测量和分析。结果表明,青少年女性穿跟高6.5 cm以上的高跟鞋行走时,足底第1跖趾关节最大受力值是穿球鞋行走时该点最大受力值的4倍,是穿中跟鞋和松糕鞋行走时该点最大受力值的2倍。穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点压力变化曲线图与裸足行走时足底3点压力变化曲线图相似,但是,穿松糕鞋行走时,足底3点最大受力值比裸足行走时足底3点最大受力值大。因此。也说明穿松糕鞋行走时下肢肌肉负荷较大。提示,穿高跟鞋行走对青少年女性足的生长发育有严重影响,建议他们日常生活中少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。
This paper makes analysis and measurement on force distribution of foot for young female wearing different kind of shoes through F-scan force distribution analytical system. The result shows that when walking with high-heel shoes above 6.5cm, the maximum force on the first sole joint was the four times than that of wearing sport shoe and two times of wearing middle-high and pudding shoes during walking. The curve of force distribution wearing pudding shoe walking is similar to barefoot walking. Therefore, it is showed that walking with pudding shoe, the load of lower limb's muscle is greater. It suggests that high-heel shoes has great damage on growth of young female foot during walking, and wear with little or no high-heel shoe in daily activity.
China Sport Science