Objective To evaluate present Conditions and trend of quinolones drugs used in our hospital. Methods Quinolones drugs used in our hospital in 2005 were analyzed statistically in rdspect to the quantities, drug consumption sum, Constituent ratio, defined daily dose(DDDs) and the averge daily comsumption(DDDs) etc. Results The first three places in Constituent ratio were respectively levofloxacin hydrochloride and glucos injection acounted for 38. 6 %, enoxacin gluconate injecton 31.42 % and levofloxacin hydrochloride and sodium chloride in jection 17.69 % ; Norfloxacin capsules was the highest in DDDs and the lowest in DDDc; DDDc of oral quinolones drugs were 0.62~2.90 while quinolones drugs for injection were 2.21 ~ 186.54. Coclusions The drugs of the highest DDDc were norfloxacin capsules and Levofloxacin hydrochloride and glucose injection in our hostpial.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques