The results shoved that a lot of labeled cells appeared bileterally in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (DNV) throughout the length, except the part of very rostral and caudal of it. Most of the labeled cells (75.93%) were distributed in the middle part of the nucleus at a level 2mm rostral and 1mm caudal from the obex. The distribution of the labeled cells indicated certain localization characteristics. In the caudal part of the nucleus, the labeled cells occupied the ventral and medial margin, and arranged nearly transversal in the ventral portion. The labeled cells arranged in slant when DNV located from transverse to slant in the upper part around the opening of the central canal. In the rostral part, the labeled cells were less in number and showed no definite localization. In the DNV, the dendrite of the labeled cells near the bottom part of the 4th ventricle extended into the ependyma of the 4th ventricle. In addiion, a few labeled glls appeared in the nucleus ambiguus and nucleus reticularis lateralis.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy