Objective To evaluate the difference of the clinical, biological and histopathological features in two kinds of elders, skin careinoma BCC and SCC. Methods We investigated desmogleinl and E - cadherin expression in 26 SCC and 30 BCC with monoclonal antibod- ies to desmogleinl and E - cadherin used immunohistochemistry staining. Results In SCC the expression of desmogleinl and E - eadherin markedly reduced or absent in tumor ceils. In BCC the expression of desmogleinl markedly reduced or absent in trmor ceils also, but E - cad- herin was strongly expressed. Conclusion These results suggest the reduction or absence of desmogleinl expression may be related to invasiveness of skin carcinomas, the reduction or absence of E - cadherin expression may be related to the metastasis of SCC.
Ningxia Medical Journal