

The Application of the Machine Learning in Expert Sci-tech Achievements Evaluation System
摘要 在科技项目的评估过程中需要根据申请项目的类型和具体的专业领域,对专家评估结果进行综合,得出最终评估结果,这一过程需要大量的资源,并且需要经过很长一段时间。科技成果评估专家系统通过运用机器学习的原理对已有数据进行分析,产生知识库和规则库,然后对需要评估的项目进行分析并输出评估结果供用户参考,从而节省了很多的资源和时间。 In the course of the evaluation of the sci-tech projects, the departments concerned have need to synthesize the results of the experts' evaluation and get the final evaluation results according to the types and concrete specialized fields of the application projects, this course will spend large quantity of resources and take a long period of time. The Expert Sci-tech Achievements Evaluation System can make analysis on the existing data by using the principle of the machine learning, producing the knowledge base and the regulation base, and then analyzing the projects needing the evaluation and outputting the results of the evaluation for the reference of the users, thus saving a lot of resources and time.
作者 井超 陈立潮
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2006年第7期175-176,共2页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 科技成果评估 专家系统 机器学习 训练集 测试集 知识库 规则库 evaluation of sci-tech achievements expert system machine Learning
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