利用250 Gy的Co60γ射线对3个棉花品种的干种子进行辐射处理,对其M4,M5农艺经济性状的遗传变异进行分析。结果表明:3个品种的辐射诱变后代M4,M5群体表型性状变异系数和遗传多样性指数均存在明显差异。阐明了辐射对不同棉花品种的诱变效果存在变异均匀度和丰富度的差异。相关分析表明,所有表型性状,以及衣分、单铃重、株高、2.5%跨长、比强度和麦克隆值等性状的M4与M5群体之间的简单相关系数都达到极显著水平。证明了诱变后代材料表型性状的变异可以遗传,M4和M5群体表型性状的遗传变异趋于稳定。3个品种诱变后代M5材料间的表型性状遗传距离变幅分别为1.83-34.68,1.26-34.55,2.22-17.05;并筛选出一系列变异明显的诱变材料。
The seeds of three cotton lines were irradiated by Co^60γ Ray. Genetic variation of agronomic and economic traits of their M4, Ms progeny was analyzed. The results showed that: (a)The coefficient variation (CV) and the indexes of genetic diversity of the phenotypic characters among M4 or Ms colonies derived from 3 cotton varieties were very significant. This clarified that the radiation of different cotton varieties resulted in the different uniformity and abundant of the variation. (b) Correlation analysis indicated that the correlation coefficient of phenotypic characters in the colonies of M4 and Ms were significant at 0.01 levels, and those of lint percentage, boll weight, plant height, fiber length, strength of fiber, fiber micronaire also between M4 and Ms also were very significant. This proved that the genetic variation of the phenotypic characters in the irradiated progenies of cotton variety can inherit, and intend to be stable in the progenies M4 and Ms. (c) The range of genetic distance of phenotypic characters among the mutagenic progeny Ms of 3 cotton varieties were 1.83 - 34.68, 1.26 - 34.55, 2.22 - 17.05 respectively. Moreover, a series of mutants with significant variation were screened. The analysis of phenotypic characters illuminated that γ-ray radiation can result in abundant genetic variation.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica