分布交互式仿真代表了仿真技术的发展方向。未来的分布式仿真是建立在因特网环境下的,减少网络负荷成为分布式仿真的一个重要课题。高级体系结构HLA是美国国防部提出的,在军事仿真方面有着广阔的应用前景。其目的是解决各仿真系统之间的互操作和可重用,HLA提供了声明管理和数据分发管理服务来进行数据的分发,使联邦成员只接收它感兴起的信息,从而减少上网的数据量。该文在对比HLA与D IS的数据管理方法的基础上,简述了D IS数据管理方法的特点及其局限,着重分析了HLA中的声明管理与数据分发管理的基本原理。
Distributed interactive simulation has become the direction of the simulation technology development. Future distributed interactive simulation will be built on the internet, so to reduce the load of network has become an important issue. High Level Architecture ( HLA), which is proposed by Department of Defense (DoD) of America and is a new architecture for distributed simulation, has found more wide application in military simulation. It aims to deal with mutual operation between different simulation systems and reuse. HLA provides services of declaration management and data distributed management to distribute data in order to limit the messages received by federates to those of interest. The article compares the difference in the method of data management between HLA and DIS and briefly states the characteristic and localization of DIS, and then analyzes the basic principles of HLA/RTI declaration management and data distribution management.
Computer Simulation