Sixty-eight normal fetuses from 18 to 38 weeks of gestation were examined by Doppler echoecrrdigraphy to measure the blood flow velocity through the mitral valve. The fetuses were divided into three groups according to their gestational age: 21 to 26, 27 to 32 and 33 to 38 weeks.The parameters measured were E.A .E/A.EI.AI.EI/AI .TI and SV (SV=TI·Area).The results showed that:①E and EI.E/A and EI/AI increased significantly with the time of gestation,A decresed slightly but the change was not.②The increase of SV with the fime of gestation was found and was significant between either two groups.③There were no conspicuous change in heart rate throughout gestation.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography