he frequency of occurrence and the character of serum sodium and potassium disturbances in the acute phase of cerebral hemorrhage in 200 patients were reported.The result showed:hyponatremia occurred in 67.50% of the patients (145/200) in the acute phase(within 24h)and 62.50%(90/144) one week after the episode;hypernatremia occurred in 0.50%(1/200)and 6.25%(9/144) respectively;hypokalemia in 15.50%(31/200)and 13.89%(20/144)respectively;two patients developed hyperkalemia one week after the episoode.With the exception that the nine patients with hypernatremia occurred one week after the episode died,the sodium and potassium disturbances in other patients were all corrected.It is suggested that water and electrolytes disturbances in the acuto phase of cerebral hemorrhage are involved in the pathophysiologic mechanism of stroke.It is emphasized that hypernatremia developed one week after the episode of strokc is a sign of imminent danger.
Chinese Critical Care Medicine