W iMAX技术是一项基于IEEE 802.16标准的宽带无线接入城域网(BWAMAN)技术,具有50 km覆盖范围和高达75 M带宽,在解决城域网络数据接入上具有独特的优势。将其应用于电力行业,适当与PLC等技术配合,即可建立由电力通信部门独立运营的W iMAX网络,辅助已有的光纤网络,可以有效解决配网自动化、负荷控制、自动抄表等数据网络急需业务,并且还可以介入宽带接入市场。文章论述了W iMAX技术概要,然后以一个典型的W iMAX与PLC等技术相结合进行配网和小区数据通信的应用模型为例,介绍了网络组织架构,讨论分析了实施过程中存在的难点和问题。
World inter-operability for microwave access ( WiMAX), a technology that developed upon the base of broadband wireless access metropolitan area network (BWAMAN) technology of IEEE 802.16 with 50 kilometers coverage area and a maximum bandwidth of 75 MHz, has great advantage in accessing the Internet data of BMAMAN. For power industry, the proper combination of WiMAX and PLC technologies can set up the independent operation of WiMAX net, if works with fiber optical network the WiMAX can be very applicable in solving the needs of Internet data gathering in distribution automation, load controlling, and auto meter reading etc. Moreover, this technology makes it to come into broadband access market. This paper summarizes WiMAX technology, gives a typical example of application model of distribution network and data communication based on the combination of WiMAX and PLC technologies, introduces the structure of network, at last analyzes the existing problems and difficulties in the practical process.
Telecommunications for Electric Power System
electric power
Power line communication ( PLC )