

CT Diagnosis of the Cystic Lesions in Abdomen in Children
摘要 目的探讨小儿腹部囊性病变CT诊断和鉴别诊断要点。方法腹部囊性占位16例,均经手术病理证实。分析各个病变CT表现的特点。结果腹腔内囊性占位3例,其中2例巨大的大网膜囊肿,1例肠系膜囊肿。腹膜后囊性占位13例,7例胆总管囊肿,2例腹膜后淋巴管瘤,1例囊性畸胎瘤,3例重度肾积水。结论小儿腹部囊性占位,病变小者诊断容易;巨大囊性病变形态不规则,位置难定,鉴别诊断困难。 Objective children. Methods 16 features of every lesions To study CT diagnos cases of cystic lesions were analyzed. Results is and different diagnosis of the cystic lesions in abdomen in in abdomen were confirmed by surgery and histopathology. CT 3 cases of the cystic lesions in abdominal cavity included 2 cases of the giant cystic lesions of the omentum majus, 1 case mesenteric cystis. 13cases of retroperitoneal cystis lesions included 7 cases of choledochoceles, 2 cases of inflammatory cystis, 1 case cystic teratoma, 3 cases giant hydronephrosis. Conclusion CT diagnosis of the cystic lesions in abdomen in children is easily diagnized when lesions are minor. CT differential diagnosis is difficult when cystic lesions in abdomen are giant
作者 荆长有 赵兵
出处 《河南职工医学院学报》 2006年第1期16-17,共2页 Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers
关键词 螺旋CT 囊性病变 腹部 儿童 spiral CT cystic lesion abdomen children
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