Objective: To detect the charaeterization of Bronchial Reactivity and other pulmonary funetiorts in elderly patients with late asthma and COPD.Method: Complicated the ventilafive function, Raw, the degrees of pulmonary enphysemea and Bronchial Reactivity in both groups. Results: BHR in aged Asthma is 97% and in COPD is 12%. The concentration of Meh in COPD is 4.8 times higher than in aged As thma. V25 decrease are 100% in group and the Raw are not changed after challenge test. The degrees of pulmonary enphysema are much severe than in aged as thma. Conclusions: The destruction of little airway and the degree of pulmonary enphysema are much severe in COPD. The Test of Bronchial Reactivity is more sensitive to astma.
West China Medical Journal