
跨越“斜坡运动” 被引量:1

Beyond 'slope movement'
摘要 “斜坡运动”的概念及将斜坡破坏后岩土体运动形式调查研究视为首要任务的观点,对斜坡地质灾害防治工作的早期发展起到了极大地推动作用。首先,它丰富了岩土力学的研究内容,并使相关的测试技术得到提高。与此同时,由于增加了工程实践的机会,阻挡斜坡运动的支挡、锚固工程及拦截等工程技术都得到了快速发展。然而,大量防治工程的实践表明,以斜坡破坏后的岩土体运动形式及局部应力场分析为重点的研究并不能揭示引起斜坡破坏的深层次原因,还可能对斜坡地质灾害防治学科的继续发展造成负面影响。例如,1)接此观点进行类型划分时,将常见的斜坡破坏形式混淆或丢失;2)过分看重地形因素对斜坡稳定性的影响;3)对物质组成、结构特征及环境条件这些关键因素缺乏深入研究;4)许多人热衷干用简化的岩土力学模型代替经过长期物理化学作用过程的非均质的、非连续体的工程地质模型。此外,在思想方法上,“斜坡运动”观点尚存在着重大缺陷。为此,笔者建议跨越“斜坡运动”的研究阶段。将研究的重点前移,对引起斜坡破坏的结构缺陷及环境条件进行定性与量化关系的深入研究。在此基础上,按照“地质工程的观点”进行防治措施的研究。笔者通过工作实践认为,这一技术路线非常有效。 The concept of 'slope movement' and the view considering investigation and study on the movement patterns of rock and soil mass after slope failure as first task have gave an enormous impetus to the early slope control engineering. First of all, they have enriched the study content of rock and soil mechanics and raised relative measuring and testing technology. At the same time, various support engineering, anchor engineering and intercept engineering for preventing slope movement have developed rapidly due to the increase of engineering practices. However, a lot of geological hazard control projects show that the study on the movement patterns of rock and soil mass and partial stress field analysis after slope failure cannot bring to light the causes of slope failure, and may cause many negative influences on slope control. For example, ① being possible to confuse or miss some slope failure types according to that view to classify slope failure types; ② considering more the topography effect for slope stability, ③ being short of the study on slope forming materials, structure characteristics and geological environmental conditions of slope, ④ many people being keen on geotechnical model instead of anisotropic and umhomogeneous engineering geological boby which has experienced long physicochemical processes. Besides, the view of 'slope movement' has serious weakness on the way of thinking. For these reasons, the author suggests to stride over the study stage of the 'slope movement' and to focuse on study of the occurrence conditions of slope failure. Based on this, not only qualitative study but also quantitative study for structural defect and geological environmental condition of slope are needed. Through practices, the author realizes that this technique framework is very effective.
出处 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》 CSCD 2005年第B12期82-86,90,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
关键词 斜坡 地质灾害 研究重点 slope, geological hazard, geological model
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