
页岩的地震属性分析综述 被引量:1

Review of Seismic Attribute Analysis of Shale
摘要 在最近几年里,非常规页岩气和页岩油勘探已经进入公众的视线里,引起大家的注意。这些新的成藏是地球物理学许多新发展的催化剂,尤其是新地震属性的应用。近来,三维地震数据和地震属性技术已经在断层、裂缝方位和密度、储层富集带,可能的水力压裂障碍,孔隙压力,岩石力学以及增产的有效性和优化提供信息。下面介绍的是从三维地面地震资料中获得的信息,这些信息是怎样影响非常规页岩发展的。 In recent years, unconventional shale gas and shale oil exploration has already entered into the public's sight, and attracted the attention of people. These new accumulation is a new development of geophysics catalysts, especially the application of new seismic attributes. Recently, 3D seismic data and seismic attribute technology has been used in fault, fracture azimuth and density, reservoir zone of enrichment, potential hydraulic fracturing obstacle, pore pressure, rock mechanics and the effectiveness of the optimization of production increase. The following introduces the information acquired from 3D surface seismic data, and how do the information influence the development of unconventional shale.
作者 马妮
出处 《价值工程》 2013年第31期313-314,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 页岩 地震属性 局部应力 shale seismic attributes local stress
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