目的 对健康女性面部、前臂皮肤颜色进行定量测量,以了解其皮肤颜色的亮度、分级、色调及饱和度等状况。方法 用皮肤色度仪(ehroma meter)对122名健康女性的双前臂皮肤颜色以及28名健康女性的面颊部皮肤颜色进行了测定。结果在被调查的健康女性中,其个体类型角(FTA°)值在10.72—53.72之间。其中前额皮肤以中间白(占60.71%)居多;左右面颊以白色皮肤居多,分别为60.7l%和64.29%;左右前臂皮肤以中间白颜色居多,均为49.2%。上述部位皮肤的色调角分别为前额55.22±6.45,左面颊57.24±5.12,右面颊56.95±5.15,左前臂68.72±2.44,右前臂69.05±2.96。结论在本次被调查的健康女性中,皮肤颜色都属于白、中间白、浅黑3级;未见到非常白、褐色、黑色皮肤的女性。皮肤色调为黄中带红。
Objective In order to get the data about the skin color such as lightness,classification,hue,and saturation etc. Methods The skin color of 28 women's face and 122 women' s forearm were measured by chroma Meter. Results According to the ITA angle, the classifications of skin color were divided into six categories of very fair, fair, medium, dark, brown and black. The ITA° value of the healthy women investigated were from 1 0.72 - 53 .72 . Among them , the majority of skin color was medium (60.71%) for forehead,medium (49.2%) for both left and fight forearm,fair(60.71% ) for left cheek and fair (64.29%) for fight cheek respectively. No subjects who belong to the categories of very fair, brown and black skin color were found in this study. The hue angle of skin was 55.22±6.45 for forehead,57.24 ±5.12 for left cheek ,56.95±5.15 for right cheek ,68.72 ±2.44 for left forearm and 69.05 ± 2.96 for right forearm respectively. Conclusion Our results show that the skin color of the healthy women from Nanjing district belong to the 3 categories of fair, medium, dark. No subject with very fair, brown and black skin color was found in this study. The hue of skin is yellow with red.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
Skin Color, face, forearm
Individual Typological Angle ( ITA° )
Hue angle ( h° )