探讨各型病毒性肝炎患者血清胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-3(Insulin-like growth factor binding protein3,IGFBP-3)浓度的变化及其对肝功能的评价。经ELISA法检测,10例正常对照、10例急性肝炎、10例慢性肝炎中度、11例慢性肝炎重度、12例慢性重型肝炎及11例肝硬化患者血清中IGFBP-3的浓度分别为4891.63±1482.91、4243.88±1086.02、3361.38±584.11、3021.63±946.48、1951.13±791.96及1146.93±443.15ng/ml。除急性肝炎组外,肝炎患者血清IGFBP-3浓度均显著低于正常对照组;血清IGFBP-3浓度与血清白蛋白、前白蛋白呈正相关,而与凝血酶原时间、总胆红素及直接胆红素呈负相关,与AST、ALT无显著相关性。血清IGFBP-3浓度能较好地反映各型病毒性肝炎患者的肝功能损害程度。
To investigate its level in patients with different kinds of viral hepatitis and its assessment on liver function, the serum level of insulin- like growth factor binding protein- 3 (IGFBP- 3 )was measured by ELISA in 10 heahhy controls. 10 eases with acute hepatitis. 10 eases with moderate degree chronic hepatitis.11 eases with severe degree chronic hepatitis. 12 cases of severe hepatitis and 11 cases of cirrhosis, whose results were 4891.63 ± 1482.91,4243.88 ± 1086.02,3361.38 ± 584.11,3021.63 ± 946.48,1951.13 ± 791.96 and 1146.93 ± 443.15 ng/ml, respectively. Compared with healthy controls, sermn IGFBP - 3 levels in patients with viral hepatitis were much lower exeept acute hepatitis. The serum IGFBP - 3 level decreases as the damage of liver function aggravates. There was significant positive correlation between serum IGFBP- 3 and serum albumin, prealbumin, while negative with serum prothrombin time, total serum bilimbin and direct serum bilirubin. No signifieant eorrelation was found be tween serum IGFBP - 3 and ALT, AST. Sermn IGFBP - 3 level is a good marker for the evaluation of liver function.
Journal of Clinical Hepatology