Objective: To research the mechanism Of GubenYanshuai Fang(GBYSF) to postpone the senescence of the subacute aging model mice. Methods= 60 mices be divided into 4 groups and made aging model using D-glucose subcutaneous injection except the control group. After treating with different dosage GBYSF, We detect the spleen lymphocyte proliferation. Results:The level of spleen lymphocyte proliferation in model group is lower than that of control group(P〈0.01), the level of spleen lymphocyte proliferation in maximum and minimum dosage of GBYSF group are higher than that of model group ( P〈 0. 01) .Conclusion: It implies that GBYSF could postpone aging from improving the level of spleen lymphocyte proliferation then regulating the body's immune function.
Journal of Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
湖北省教育厅资助青年课题 2003B00001