目的 探讨急诊室用创伤评分(TS)在创伤患者快速救治中的价值。方法 采用TS对1826例创伤患者进入和离开急诊室时的创伤严重程度进行评估,同时实施影像等检查和救治。结果 TS分值定为1~16分。分值越低表示伤情越重。1826例创伤患者入急诊室时。TS分值10分以上占73.06%,10分以下(包括10分)占26.94%;离开急诊室时,TS分值10分以上占91.84%.TS分值10分以下(包括10分)占8.16%;两者比较差异均有显著性(P均〈0.001)。TS分值越低,在诊治过程中低血压、休克等严重并发症发生率越高。液体需要量与TS分值有明显相关性,TS分值越低,液体需要量越大。结论 TS使用简便快速,能较好地反映损伤严重程度和伤情,对急诊室医生及早掌握病情,尽快完成急诊接诊程序和救冶很有价值。
Objective To investigate the relationship between trauma score (TS) and complications and interventional strategies in trauma patients in the Emergency Department. Methods The injury severity was assessed with TS, and eomp]ieations were recorded in 1 82% trauma patients in Emergency Department. The interventions, monitoring and imaging examinations were initiated promptly. Results The TS ranged from 1 to 16 points, and the lower the TS the poorer the patient's condition. The patients with score of 10 or above accounted for 73.06% of patients, those wilb score of 10 or below accounted for 26.94%. When they left Emergency Department in 91.84% of the patients TS was above 10, while 8. 16% of them TS was 10 or below (both P〈0. 001). The patients with score of 10 or below had a higher rate of severe complications including hypotention, shock, abnormal respiralion, and cardiac arrest. The lower the TS, the larger the amount of fluid resuscitation required. Conclusion TS provides an Objective wdue to indicate the seriousness of the patient's condition, and it is valuable in the attending to plan the strategies of intervention, raonitoring and necessary instrnmental examinations.
Chinese Critical Care Medicine