

On the dramatic development of Wu and Chu districts' culture in Song Dynasty and its reasons
摘要 自三代至宋,我国南方长江流域中下游吴楚地区的文化发展大多落后于北方中原地区。然至两宋时期,吴楚地区的文化出现了跨越性的发展,主要表现为:学校快速发展,教育兴旺发达,其总体水平明显地高于其他地区,且在全国范围内有明显的示范作用;有品味的学术文化水平高,学者如林,人才众多,大家辈出,名家不胜枚举,许多学人德高望重,为世所范;这里人口的综合素质明显地高于其他地区;代表儒学正统与中心地位以及反映其思想学术文化的发展方向的众多学派也多分布于此;科举中吴楚一带高中进士的数量占据了当时全国录取名额的绝大部分;从与精神文化密切相关的物质文化方面看,这里的发展水平也占有明显的优势;在素质较高的人才分布比例上,以黄河流域为中心的中原北方一带是由多变少,以吴楚地区为中心的南方地区则是由少变多,且占有绝对的主体地位。宋代吴楚地区文化的这种跨越性发展,使得这里成为当时我国的文明昌盛之地,文化发达之区,教育兴旺之所,人才荟萃之乡,反映出中国传统文化重心在两宋之际已转移至以吴楚文化区为代表的南方地区。但在吴楚地区间,不同区域的文化发展不大平衡。宋代推动这一地区文化跨越性发展的主要原因是经济发展与人口南迁等的综合结果。 From Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty to Sony Dynasty, the culture of Wu and Chu districts in which are lying in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the south of China is mostly lagging behind the Central Plains area of northern part. However, during the course of Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasly, the culture of Wu and Chu districts is appearing a dramatic development. It mainly manifests on the fast development of schools and the prosperity of education; the high level of sample academic culture, a host of scholars and numerous talented people; the synthetic qualities of population which are clearly higher than other districts; the multitudinous schools of thought which on behalf of the Confucianism and nuclear position and the developing directions of its thoughts, academy and culture; the quantifies of successful candidates who occupy a large part of recruitment in the national imperial examination; the developing level which has incomparable advantages in the aspect of material culture which is closely related to spiritual culture; the ratio of distributed talented people which is from the more to the less in the northern Central Plain where the center is the Yellow River valley while from the less to the more in the southern part where the center is Wu and Chu districts and holds the absolute leading position. The surmountable development of Wu and Chu districts' culture through Song Dynasty made this area of highly civilization and prosperity which reflects that the core of Chinese traditional culture has been transferred to the northern area on the represent of Wu and Chu cultural districts during the course of Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty. However, in the area of Wu and Chu districts, the development of different regional cultures has been disequilibrated. The main reason for pushing forward the surmountable development of this area in Song Dynasty is the synthetic results of economical development and population migration towards south.
作者 张全明
出处 《鄂州大学学报》 2006年第1期7-13,共7页 Journal of Ezhou University
关键词 宋代 吴楚地区 文化发展 重心南移 不平衡 Song Dynasty Wu and Chu districts cultural development core transferred to south disequilibrium
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