目的评价四种宫颈癌及癌前病变筛查方法的诊断效果和意义。方法1000例妇女分别采用四种宫颈癌筛查方法筛查,以阴道镜下病理学检查为金标准,分别计算其敏感度、特异度、准确度、假阴性率。结果以阴道镜下病理学检查为金标准,各筛查方法的敏感度、特异度、准确度及假阴性率分别为:5%醋酸染色后肉眼观察(72.3%,71.7%,71.9%,17.7%);传统巴氏涂片(61.9%,82.9%,75.4%,20.3%);阴道镜检查(80.1%,74.4%,75.4%,,12.9%);Th inprep液基薄层细胞学检查(TCT)(88.2%,93.8%,,91.8%,6.5%)。结论TCT能准确全面地反映宫颈癌和癌前病变情况,它是目前一种首选的高效宫颈癌筛查手段。阴道镜与细胞病理学结合能明显提高诊断的准确性。醋酸染色后肉眼观察和传统巴氏涂片作为简便、快捷、低廉的筛查方法不失为一种有效的宫颈癌筛查手段。
for cervical cancer Objective To assess the diagnostic effect and significance of four screening tests and precancer. Methods 1000 women were screened with four screening methods based on the pathology result as a golden standard . Their sensitivity , specificity, accurancy and fake negative rate were calculated after tests. Results Using colposcopical biopsy result as a golden standard, the sensitivity, specificity, accurancy and fake negative rate of each diagnostic test listed as following:after 5% acetic acid stain the visual inspection(72.3% ,71.7% ,71.9%, 17.7% ), convertional Pap smear ( 61.9% , 82.9% , 75.4% , 20.3% ) , colposcopic evaluation ( 80. 1% , 74.4%, 75.4% , 12.9% ) and TCT(88.2% ,93.8% ,91.8% ,6.5% ) respectively. Conclusion TCT that is a power -efficient first screening technique can accurately and all -sidely reflects cervical cancer and precancer diseases;combination of vaginascopy and cytolopathology can obviously elevate diagnostic accurancy. visual inspection and traditional Pap smear that are convenient, shortcut and cheap screening technique are still efficient important methods.
Journal of Medical Forum