针对地下非自由空间的信息数据采集,超高频无线移动通信具有可靠性高、应用方便、成本低廉等特点,目前已经成为主要发展方向。文中通过对TRF6900芯片的功能分析,介绍了该芯片与TI公司的MSP430F149构建900 MHz无线移动通信系统的原理及实际电路的设计。理论和试验证明,TRF6900芯片非常适合开发地下超高频段低功耗无线移动通信系统。
Aiming to solve the problems of collecting data from underground restricted space, high frequency wireless mobile communication system has become a main solution because of its high reliability, convenience and low cost. This paper analyzes the functions of TRF6900 and demonstrates the practical application of it to constructing a wireless mobile communication system together with MSP 430 on frequency of 900 MHz, The experimental result shows that TRF 6900 is well adapted to be used in developing the low power-consumption underground wireless mobile communication system .
Electronic Engineer