美国迪斯尼动画电影《MULAN》带来巨大的经济效益的同时,也在中西文化融合方面跨出了一步。通过对 故事情节的改编加工,加上现代媒体的炒作,一个不同于中国传统的木兰形象在中国似乎也得到了认可。本文通过对电 影的人物、情节、语言、文化背景等方面的分析认为:整部电影通过对一个东方典型的塑造达到了成功,这是文化融合和 认可的表现;另一方面,东方文化的被动被改造也是我们必须警惕的,在故事的背后,中西文化的融合与冲突也因此凸现 了出来,美国以至西方文化对东方带来的影响值得我们深思。
Mulan by Disney has attracted a lot of attention almost all over the world. By changing the original story and prorooting with modem media, they even got accepted in China where the story was born. From that we find integration and collision bdtween the eastern and western cultures. Besides, we will also find something rof us to take into deep considerstion.
Journal of Bohai University:Philosophy & Social Science Edition