
流通革命:沃尔玛分店扩张及其经济影响 被引量:6

Distributional Industry Revolution: Wal-Mart's Subsection-Store-Expansion and Its Economic Effects
摘要 分工(专业化利益)与交换(交易成本)之间的两难冲突主导了经济发展进程,形成流通革命的历史必然性。沃尔玛在流通扩张的产业空间下,打造品牌、统一经营模式和现代信息技术等方面核心竞争力,通过对分店进行“复制/粘贴”和“选择性干预”,成功地实现了规模扩大。沃尔玛的进入冲击了当地商业,但推动了零售生产率的提高和整个经济中产业结构的优化调整,改善了消费者福利,总体效应是正面的。 The trade-off between labor division (specialization benefit) and commodity exchange (transaction costs) dominates the development of the whole social & economy, and its evolvement inevitably leads to distributional industry revolution. Under the industry condition, Wal-Mart promotes its core-competence from brand, united management mode and modern information technologies, Replicates/sticks and selectively intervenes in its subsection-stores, and hence successfully increases its size. Wal-Mart challenges local commerce, yet improves retail productivity (even whole industry structure) and consumers' welfares, so the effects are basically positive.
作者 李陈华
出处 《上海财经大学学报》 2005年第6期30-37,共8页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
基金 湖南省教育厅资助科研项目(04B035)
关键词 流通革命 沃尔玛 分店扩张 经济影响 distributional industry revolution Wal-Mart subsection-store-expansion economic effects
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