电炉炉尘中富含Fe、Zn、Pb等元素,简单地将这些炉尘倾倒野外或填埋处理,由于粉尘中Pb等有毒元素会被雨水浸出,严重污染水土资源.而直接返回高炉炼铁,Zn在高炉内氧化富集则会缩短炉衬寿命、堵塞煤气管道.为减少电炉粉尘对环境的污染,实现其高效利用,采用含碳球团焙烧还原法处理该类粉尘.通过考察温度、时间等工艺因数的影响,得到了焙烧还原法合理工艺条件:碳过量系数为0.8~0.9、还原温度1 150℃、还原时间50 min.还原后的球团为半金属化球团,其全铁含量为67%左右,最高达69.8%;金属铁含量为63%左右,最高达66.5%;单个球强度在6 kN左右;收集所得氧化锌粉含ZnO 80%左右,初步实现了电炉粉尘的高效利用.
The article is aimed to present the authors' laboratory research on the treatment of the EAF dust. As an industrial process, the dusts left over from the electric arc furnace (EAF) contain abundant metallic element, such as Fe, Zn and Pb, etc. Simple disposal or landfill of such EAF dusts can result in serious pollution of the environment due to the leaching of the toxic element such as Pb. However, direct recycling use of EAF dust in the blast furnace (BF) may lead to the shortening of the furnace life and even block the gas pipeline of BF. In order to reduce the environmental pollution brought by the EAF dust and realize the efficient utilization of such dusts, the paper has adopted the pellet containing carbon roasting reduction method to treat such dusts. Through testing the effects of temperature, time and so on, better parameters of roasting reduction method can be shown as follows: excess coefficient of carbon 0.8-0.9, reduction temperature 1 150℃, reduction time 50 min. While the treated pellets turned to be semi-metallic pellets, the total Ferrum content in the treated pellets reached about 67 %, with the optimal collection rate can increase to 69.8 %. As the metal Ferrum content proves about 63%, the best collecting rate can be as high as 66.5 %. The strength of single pellet is about 6 kN while ZnO content in the collected zinc oxide powder is about 80% , thus efficient utilization of EAF dust can be basically achieved.
Journal of Safety and Environment
the three wastes disposal and comprehensive utilization
electric arc furnace (EAF) dust
pellet containing carbon
roasting reduction
metallic ratio