介绍日本东京市中心新丰洲线500 kV地下变电站和新丰洲线电缆设计和建设的相关情况,新丰洲变电站是世界上目前唯一建成的500 kV地下变电站,新丰洲线是世界上最长的500 kV交联聚乙烯电缆线路。文章描述东京电网的地理接线情况以及500 kV电缆规划,介绍新丰洲变电站的主要设备、电缆绝缘设计、电缆接头以及电缆的局放试验。
This paper discribes design and construction of the 500 kV underground Shin-Toyosu substation and ShinToyosu cable line in Tokyo Metropllitan Area, It briefs the grid and the plan of 500 kV cable lines, focusing on issues of the equipment selection, occupation and the measures to keep harmony with environment., especially on the cable insulation design, transportation and laying, cable joints, partial discharge measurement tests. Finally the paper introduces the ongoing early research and following construction of 500 kV cable and underground substation in Shanghai.