以马铃薯品种东农305的脱毒试管苗为供试材料,采用固体培养和液体培养两种方式,在试管苗繁殖培养基(M S+3%白糖+6.5 g.L-1琼脂,pH约5.8)中加入0.05%的中草药萃取液,以常规的试管苗繁殖培养基为对照,进行试管苗生长状况的比较。试验采用二因素完全随机试验设计,3次重复,接种1周后开始取样调查,每周调查1次,固体培养调查4次,液体培养调查3次。调查苗高、茎粗、茎节数、根数和根长,对所有性状进行方差分析和差异显著性测验(SSR法)。试验结果表明:在试管苗繁殖培养基中添加中草药萃取液,对试管苗的苗高、茎粗和茎节数的增加均有一定的促进作用,只是在不同培养方式下的效果存在一定差异。对试管苗根部的作用在于增加根长,而不是增加根的数量。在本试验中,固体培养方式下添加中草药萃取液的处理效果最好,成苗时试管苗的苗高达7.3 cm,茎节数达7.1个,繁殖倍数高于其它处理。
The growth of plantlets in vitro of the cuhivar Dongnong 305 growing in different types of medium (MS+3% sugar+6.5 g·L^-1 agar (solid), pH 5.8), added with or without 0.05% plant liquid extract, was compared.The experiment was laid out in a two-factor complete randomized design with three replications. Data were recorded one week after inoculation at an interval of one week. Totally, four investigations were made for solid culture, and for liquid culture three investigations. The items investigated included plant height, stem diameter, node number, root number and root length. All data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and mean separations were made using the SSR method. Promotion effects were noted for the traits, plant height, stem diameter, and node number for plantlets which were cultured on the medium supplemented with plant liquid extract, but the effects varied with cultural types. The plant liquid extract promoted the growth of root length, not root number. In this research, the solid medium supplemented with plant liquid extract showed best results. After four week culture, the plant height reached up to 7.3 cm, node number 7.1, and the propagation coefficient was highest among all treatments.
Chinese Potato Journal
virus-free plantlet in vitro
culture type
plant liquid extract