As a poetical school, Gaomi School, consisting of poor poets at the bottom of society, formed itself during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, with the "Three Li's from Gaomi" (i. e. the three poets all bearing the sumame of Li) as its leading exponents. It closely models on the late Tang- Dynasty poets as Zhang Ji and Jia Dao, by giving prominence to the unyielding and aloof dignity in the personality of poets, sponsoring "Feng Ya" (literary pursuits) and "Qi Gu" (lofty quality) in the style of writing, advocating diligent and industrial composition to resist the general "lacquering and dispirited" mood in the domain of poetry with depressed substantialness and lanky hardness. As a result of the fact that its birth place is one with rich cultural tradition, this school embodies traditional culture based upon Confucianism, especially in relation to its notions on values and on its pursuits of personal cultivation, and is tinted with local culture at the same time.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Gaomi Poetical School
poor poets at the bottom of society
cultural personality