The theory of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the extensive and profound and marvel in the world. There was close relationship between doctors and Confucian scholars and their thoughts. Some Confueians also knew medicine and kept contact with the doctors. They composed poems and writings to meet doctor friends and medical activity, which became good references for the study of medical morality. Such are the ideal morality and ability of the ideal doctors in the opinion of the scholars of the Ming Dynasty : The best doctors are the ones who had background of good education, Confucian doctors. They should not care much about rank or pay, but care much for people' s health, and be kind and benevolent. They must be expert in medical science and pay attention to even the small differences in diseases and medicine. They respected Huangdi, Qibo and Bianque as the forefathers and noble men of Chinese medicine. They thought high of the tradition and accumulation of medical knowledge. They also thought high of remedies, especially the secret ones, royal ones and the oversea ones. Many poems mentioned alchemy. That was because there was close relationship between TCM and Daoism.
Chinese Journal of Medical History
“Medical poems”
Medical morality
Medical technique