目的:探讨窦口鼻道复合体(OMC)间隙狭窄与慢性鼻窦炎的关系及其狭窄的原因。方法:对94例(179侧)有鼻塞、流涕、头痛等症状的患者,采用PICKER IQ CT机冠状位扫描,高空间分辨率算法成像,对比分析正常鼻窦和有炎症鼻窦的OMC间隙狭窄及其OMC变异情况。结果:正常鼻窦与有炎症鼻窦间OMC间隙狭窄发生率的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01),但OMC解剖变异发生率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:OMC间隙狭窄与鼻窦炎有重要关系,了解鼻窦炎患者各种OMC间隙狭窄的特点,有助于功能性内镜鼻窦手术。
Objective:To discuss the relationship between the stenosed spaces of ostiomeatal complex(OMC) and chronic sinusitis,and the relative factors causing the stenosed spaces. Method: Having nasal obstructing, discharging,headache and other clinical symptoms, 94 patients( 179 sides of nasal cavity and sinus) were examined with coronal and high resolution CT scanning. The CT manifestations of the stenosed spaces and the anatomic variations of OMC were comparatively analyzed between the imflammatory sinuses and the normal ones. Result:The in- cidence of the stenosed spaces was difference between the imflammatory sinuses and the normal ones and there was significant siatistically( P d0.01). But, the incidence of the anatomic variations was not( P ~0.05). Conclusion: A significant correlation exists between the stenosed spaces of OMC and chronic sinusitis. It is helpful to the functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) to understand various kinds of the stenosed space of OMC with sinusitis.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology