善意取得是所有权取得的一种方式 ,其目的在于保障交易安全 ,维护交易秩序。善意取得的适用要求转让人必须是对该财产无处分权的占有人 ;受让人取得财产时是善意、有偿取得 ,且也实际占有该财产 ;该财产必须是法律允许流通的动产。善意取得的适用使原所有权人丧失该财产的所有权 ,其损失只能请求转让人予以赔偿 ,受让人取得了该财产的所有权。
Bona tides acquisition is one way of the proprietorship acquisition, and it is also one of the most important systems of the civil law in modern times. The essential aim lies in protecting the property business safety , thus to safeguard the business orders. The application of bona tides acquisition asks the endorser must be the occupant who has not punishing right to the possession. The alienee gets the possession should be bona and onerous, should has the possession really. The possession must be the chattel who can circulate according to the law. Application of bona tides acquisition make primary possessor lost the possession. Their loss only be payed for by the endorser. The alinee gets the possession.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators