The Karakoram and West Kunlun Mountains in the northwestern part of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are a transitional area between the alpine desert and the montane desert.On the bases of recent observations and investigations the structure type of the altitudinal belts, the regional differentiation, and environmental problems in the study area are dealt with in this paper.Characterized by the continental arid type of climate, the altitudinal belts of the Karakoram and West Kunlun Mts. consist chiefly of varions desert and steppe belts. According to the combination pattern of the altitudinal belts, the following four structure-type groups and seven structure types of the altitudinal belts may be identified in the study area:Ⅰ. The arid structure-type group. This structure-type group inclludes three structure types as follows: (1) the xero-mesophilic pattern consisting of the montane forest-steppe belt and the alpine meadow belt; (2) the meso-xerophilic pattern consisting of the montane steppe belt and the alpine meadow belt and (3) the xerophilic pattern possessing the montane steppe belt only.Ⅱ. The extremely arid structure-type group. It includes one structure type. That is the super-xerophilic pattern consisting of the following altitudinal belts: the montane desert belt, the alpine desert belt, the subnival pelt and the nival belt.Ⅲ. The alpine arid structure-type group. It includes two structure types as follows: (1) the super f rigo-xerophilic pattern consisting of the alpine desert belt, the subnival belt, and the nival belt; and (2) the frigo-xerophilic pattern consisting of the alpine desert steppe belt and the alpine desert belt.Ⅳ. The alpine semi-arid structure-type group. It includes one structure type. That is the frigo-meso-xerophilic pattern consisting of the following altitudinal belts: the alpine steppe belt the alpine meadow belt, the subnival belt, and the nival belt.Corresponding to the areal differentiation of the physical geography of the region, the above mentioned four structure-type g
Journal of Natural Resources
altitudinal belt
environmental problem
natural conservation