集装箱码头物流系统是一个复杂的离散事件动态系统。本文基于离散事件动态系统理论,研究建 立了集装箱码头物流系统的装卸流程模型和道路交通模型。该模型主要用来分析评价规划建设中的或正在使用 中的集装箱码头的生产能力,识别系统中的瓶颈,提出改进策略,优化码头物流方案。模型已在多个码头建设项目 中应用。
Container terminal logistic system is a complex disperse event dynamic system (DEDS). Based on the theory of DEDS, this paper researches and develops the model of load and unload system and traffic system of container terminal. The model is mostly used to estimate the throughput of the container terminal which is under building or using currently, and identify the bottle -neck in the system. Finally, we could put forward some improved strategy and optimize !he project of container terminal logistic system. This model has been applied to several container terminals.
Port Operation