阀门的虚拟仿真是系统虚拟仿真的一部分。通过对如何利用C reator对阀门进行建模的实现方法的讨论,建立了阀门虚拟仿真所需的三维模型。阀门的数学模型是阀门动态虚拟仿真的核心部分。通过对阀门运动和流体性质的分析,建立了其数学仿真模型。在阀门的虚拟仿真技术研究的基础上,利用V isua l C++和Vega程序建立了其仿真模块。同时为了展现阀门的结构原理,对阀门的虚拟拆分技术也进行了研究。阀门虚拟仿真所讨论的技术同样适用于系统其它部件的虚拟仿真,它和管道系统的其它组成部件的虚拟仿真一起构成了整个系统的虚拟仿真。
Virtual simulation of valves is a part of a system's virtual simulation. Through the discussion of the way for building graphical models of valves with Creator, a three - dimensional model used in the virtual simulation is built. The mathematical simulation model is also built through the analysis of the motions and hydromechanical characters of valves. It is the core of the dynamic virtual simulation of valves. And through the study on virtual simulation technology of valves, a virtual simulation model is built with Visual C + + and Vega. At the same time, the technology of virtual split of valves is also studied in order to illuminate the construction principle of the valve. Those virtual simulation technologies of valves discussed above can be applied in other part of the pipeline system. Then a virtual simulation of pipeline system is built.
Computer Simulation