近年来用化学合成的手段合成生物物质的研究进展很快。有感染活力的小儿麻痹症病毒RNA 与φX-174噬菌体基因先后合成成功。估计2006年可能会有能合成1百万bp DNA的仪器问世。此外, 目前已能向蛋白质中引入80种非常见氨基酸,从而使蛋白质获得新的性质。化学合成的进展使合成与改造生命成为现实,这对研究生物学基本规律有很大的意义,但这也是一把“双刃剑”,带来伦理与反恐的问题及对可能的潜在威胁的担忧。2004年6月在美国麻省理工学院举行了第一届合成生物学国际会议。2005年8月在美国旧金山举行的合成生物学会议,讨论了生物合成这个领域对药物发展、细胞重编程、生物机器人等方面的潜在意义。
Progresses in the chemical synthesis of biological substances have been developed very fast recently. Infective poliovirus RNA and φX-174 phage DNA were synthesized. Next year's DNA synthesis machine would be able to generate sequence about a million bp long. Besides, there were reports that 80 unconventional amino acids could be introduced into protein molecules and brought new characters. These and other progresses would bring reform or create life into reality. Of course it would have magnificent implication in the study of fundamental rules of biology, but it is a “double edged sword”, which will bring ethical and anti-terrorist problems as well as the worry about possible potential threat. In June 2004, the first international synthetic biology meeting was held in MIT, USA. In August 2005, a synthetic biology meeting discussed the potential implication on drug development, cell re-programming and biology robots.
Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences