
武汉市社区老年人健康相关问题调查分析 被引量:7

Survey on health situation of senile population in Wuhan community
摘要 目的了解武汉市社区老年人口的健康需求,寻求符合城市老年居民生活方式和老年社区卫生服务基本功能需求的健康教育策略。方法采取系统随机抽样的方法对武汉市2463名老年人进行了问卷调查。结果武汉市社区老年人健康状况不够理想,这与社区老年人文化素质较低、卫生知识缺乏、存在较多不良行为、健康教育与健康促进开展得不够、社区卫生服务机构对老年健康管理不力等因素有关。另外经济因素起着很重要作用。结论社区老年卫生服务应以建立适应当前需要的新型老年卫生服务体系、构建新的“医患关系”、开展多种卫生服务形式为突破口,加强健康教育,形成适合于武汉市社区老年人卫生服务特色。 Objective To investigate the current health situation of the senile population in Wuhan urban areas. To explore and formulate new education and training strategies and programs for Wuhan senile residents, which conform to both urban life style and the basic requirements of health service in Wuhan area. Methods An questionnaire survey was conducted among 2463 senior citizen selected by random sampling. Results The health condition of senile people in Wuhan was below the national average level, for which the possible reasons were that most of senile people were less educated, lack of healthy knowledge, having lots of had living habits. The commtmity health care system did not work well enough for the senile people. In addition, poor economic condition also played an important role. Conclusion It is necessary to explore and formulate a new type of senile health care system, to establish new relationship of “doctors and patients”, to develop multiple forms of health care, to strengthen on health education and to shape Wuhan character of community senile health care service.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2005年第10期727-730,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 社区老年人 健康教育 健康相关问题 Senile population Health education Health situation
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