目的通过随机对照的临床研究,比较克霉唑500 mg阴道栓剂(凯妮汀栓)单剂量疗法和硝酸咪康唑400 mg阴道栓剂(达克宁栓)3日疗法治疗外阴阴道假丝酵母菌念珠菌病(vulvovaginal candidiasis,VVC)的疗效。方法选择113例临床确诊为单纯性霉菌性阴道炎的患者,随机分为两组,分别给予凯妮汀栓单剂量疗法和达克宁栓3天疗法治疗,在治疗后第3天、第7天各随访1次,观察阴道霉菌、临床症状和体征,进行比较研究。结果以停药7天后的治愈率为疗效指标,两种药物治疗VVC疗效相似,其中凯妮汀栓组治愈率略优。比较用药后3天各项指标发现凯妮汀栓组无论是症状缓解率还是阴道霉菌转阴率均优于达克宁栓组,统计学上有显著性差异,而且凯妮汀组较达克宁栓组平均缩短3天疗程。结论凯妮汀栓组疗程短、起效快,患者依从性更好;凯妮汀栓单剂量疗法治疗霉菌性阴道炎疗效优于达克宁栓3日疗法。
Objective A random and controlled clinical therapy with clotrimazole (500 mg) vaginal tablet and that of t lets (control). Methods One hundred and thirteen patients wi trial was hree-day th mycol carried thera ogical study. Two follow-up visists, scheduled the third day and the seventh day a PY ly fte out to compare the effectiveness of single-dose with miconazole nitrate (400 mg) vaginal tabconfirmed vaginal mycosis were included in the r final dose respectively, were made to collect the clinical sata, including microscopic exemination, time course of signs and sympttoms. The patients also asked to keep a diary about the daily chang of their symptom scores. Results Comparing with miconazole nitrate, clotrimazole (500 mg) significantly shortened the suration of treatment. The positive rate of vaginal fungus decreased to 13.3% 48 hours after first dose in clotrimazole group, while it remained 29.3G in control group (P〈0.01). On the average clotrimazole (500 mg) completely relieved patients of symptoms 3 days earlier than miconazole nitrate, though there was no significant differentce in their cure rate when evaluated 4days after final dose. Conclusions The result reveals ageneral preference for clotrimazole (500 mg) on its quick onset of sympttom alleviation, and suggests that single-dose therapy with clotrimazole (500 mg) is more effective than that three-day therapy with miconazole nitrate (400 mg) in treatment of vaginal mycosis.
Fujian Medical Journal
Miconazole nitrater
Vaginal mycosist Treatment