AIM: To analyze the heating changes after explosive deafness and discuss the correlative factors. METHODS: Audiometry of pure voice, acoustic impedance and periodic hearing tracing test were conducted in 21 patients with explosive deafness (42 ears) in the Department of Otolaryngology-Neck of Daping Hospital of Third Military Medical University from July 1998 to July 2003. They were treated with hyperbaric oxygen, drugs and andertaken operation. A retrospective analysis of clinical date was conducted according to the evaluative criteria. The evaluative criteria for curative effect were as follows: Healing as healed perforation of ear drum. hearing recovered to the utility level (auditory threshold of all the frequencies no more than 25 dBHL), no tinnltus, headache, dizzy and vertigo: Remarkable efficiency as healed perforation of ear drum, obvious improvement in heating, auditory threshold more than 25 dBHL remarkable remission of tinnitus, headache, dizzy and vertigo; Efficiency as healed peril)ration of ear drum, improvement in heating (auditory threshold inereased by 15 dBHL), alleviation of tinnitus, headache, dizzy and vertigao: Inefficiency as non-healed perforation of ear drum, auditory threshold increased no more than 15 dBHL or no changes in auditory threshold, no changes or aggravation in tinnitus, headache, dizzy and vertigo. RESULTS: According to the actual management, 21 cases were all involved in the result analysis. ① In 21 cases of explosive deafness, neurosensory deafness and mixed deafness accounted for 34%(14/42) and 33%(14/42), respectively. The audio-curves of the patients showed the decreasing of the level, the incline and the abrupt slope. The curves of tympanum function were mainly type A up to 57%(24/42). That the same side stimulating in stapedius reflection caused the same side one was 57% (24/42), and that the opposite side stimulating caused the same side one was 43%(18/42). ②The hearing threshold was greatly serious at day 9 after bla
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation