借助Marc商用软件,采用弹塑性大变形热力耦合有限元法(FEM),对包钢生产的1 500 mm×68mm薄板坯CSP(紧凑式带材生产)轧制第一道次的热轧过程进行了模拟。分析了变形区内轧材等效应力场、应变场及应变速率的分布和变化规律。结果表明在轧件变形区内,等效应力沿轧制方向逐渐增大,在中性面附近达到最大值(95.20 MPa),后又逐渐减少;等效应变亦沿轧制方向逐渐增大,在轧件出口处达到最大值(0.70);在轧件入口端表面附近等效应变速率有最大值,为20.74 s-1。模拟计算的轧制力为22 203 kN,现场测得的轧制力为22 239 kN,预测误差为0.16%。
The first pass hot rolling process of compact strip production of 1500 mm × 68 mm thin slab at Baotou Iron and Steel has been simulated by Marc commercial software whh the aid of elastic-plastic thennal-mechanical coupled finite element method (FEM). And the distribution and change of equivalent stress field, strain field and strain rate of rolling stock deforming region were analyzed. The results showed that in rolling stock deforming zone the equivalent stress gradually increased along the direction of rolling and came to maximum value (95.20 MPa) nearby neutral face, than gradually decreased; the equivalent strain also gradually increased along the direction of rolling and came to maximum value (0.70) at outlet of workpiece; and the equivalent strain rate had a maximum value nearby sLtrface at inlet of workpiece that was 20.74 s^-1. The rolling force simulation-calculated was 22203kN, which measured at situ was 22239kN, so the prediction error was 0.16%.
Special Steel