[目的]克隆山东省流行的HIV-1优势亚型的代表毒株的包膜蛋白基因,建立用于山东省HIV-1分型的异源双链泳动分析体系.[方法]2003年11~12月将与山东省HIV-1 B′/C、B′和A/E各亚型共享序列最接近的毒株用套式聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术扩增包膜(env)基因,克隆到p GEM-Teasy载体中,构建成用于异源双链泳动分析(HMA)分型的山东标准亚型质粒,并摸索各反应和电泳的最佳条件.[结果]共建立HMA的分型标准质粒11株,建立以标准质粒为分型标准、包含3套可供选择的片段扩增策略的HMA体系,与序列分析比较各亚型代表株的检出率(敏感性)分别达到了B′94%、B′/C 90%、A/E 90%.[结论]建立的HMA分型体系经济、方便、易掌握、结果可靠,值得推广.
[Objective]To establish HIV-1 subtyping system using heteroduplex mobility assay(HMA). [Methods]Using Nest- PCR technique, we amplified env gene from representative strains which contain the most proximate consensus of Shandong HIV- 1 subtypes B', B'/C, A/E, The genes were then cloned into p GEM- Teasy vector for HMA subtyping, [Results]We establish the HMA system including 11 plasmids of standarded HIV-1 strains, 3 series of primers for PCR. [Conclusion]This HMA system is exactly a economic, easy and credible ways for HIV-1 subtyping,
Preventive Medicine Tribune