目的:探讨透析用导管相关性感染的易感因素。方法:按导管相关性感染的诊断标准,将本院2000年1月~2004年12月间 120例颈内静脉穿刺置管的尿毒症血液透析患者分为感染组(30例)和非感染组(90例),置管前检测血红蛋白(Hb)、外周血淋巴细胞 计数(LY)、血清免疫球蛋白(IgG、IgA)、血清补体(C_3) 、血清白蛋白(ALB)、C 反应蛋白(CRP)、内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)等指标,并收集有 无合并感染等情况。采用t检验或卡方检验及 Spearman 等级相关分析等分析透析用导管相关性感染的易感因素。结果:(1) 感染组 的糖尿病肾病比例明显高于非感染组(66. 7%vs 3. 3%,P<0. 05) ;(2) 感染组合并其他部位感染的比例显著高于比非感染组(18/30 vs 27/9H0,P<0. 005) ;(3) 与非感染组相比,感染组 Hb、IgG、LY、ALB 水平均明显低下(P<0. 05) ,CRP 水平明显增高(P<0. 001) ;(4) Spearman 相关分析显示,感染与 Hb(r_s=-0. 308,P=0. 014) 、IgG(r_s=-0. 248,P=0. 008) 、LY(r_s=-0. 452,P=0. 009) 、ALB(r_s=- 0. 330,P=0. 000) 水平呈显著负相关,而与 CRP 水平呈显著正相关(r_s=0. 474,P=0. 000) 。结论:原发疾病为糖尿病肾病、存在其他部位 感染、外周血淋巴细胞减少、血清免疫球蛋白 IgG 低下、低蛋白血症、严重贫血,可能为颈内静脉透析用导管相关性感染的易感因素。
Objective: To investigate the suspected risk factors of hemodialysis catheter related infections. Methods: According to the diagnostic criterion of catheter-related infections, we divided 120 uremic patients with internal jugular venous catheter insertion for hemodialysis into the infected group(n = 30) and the uninfected group(n = 90). Before insertion, we examined their hemoglobin (Hb), peripheral blood lymphocyte count (LY), serum complement 3 (C3), albumin (ALB), plasma C-reactive protein (CRP), endogenous creatinine clearance rate (Ccr), and other infectious disease status. T Test, Chi-Square Test and Spearman's Rank Correlation Analysis were used. Results: (1)The percentage of patients with diabetes mellitus in the infected group was significantly higher than that of uninfected group(66.7% vs 3.3%, P〈0.05). (2)The proportion of patients with other infectious disease in the infected group was also significantly higher than that of uninfected group( 18/30 vs 27/90, P〈 0. 005). (3)Compared with the uninfected group, the infected group had lower levels of Hb, IgG, LY, ALB(P〈0.05)and higher level of CRP (P〈0. 001 ). (4)There were noticeable negative correlation between catheter-related infections and Hb(rs = -0. 308,P = 0. 014), IgG(rs = - 0. 248, P = 0. 008), LY( rs = - 0. 452, P = 0. 009) and ALB( rs = - 0. 330, P = 0. 000), respectively. While there was distinguished positive correlation between catheter-related infections and CRP(rs = 0. 474,P= 0. 000). Conclusion:The suspected factors of hemodialysis eatheter-related infections may be diabetic nephropathy, complicating with other infeetious disease, low peripheral blood lymphocyte count, low serum IgG level, hypoproteinemia and severe anemia
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Catheter-related infections
Suspected factors