Mcmbrane bioreactors (MBRs), in which membrancs are applied to biological wastewater treatment, have been greatly developed recently, but membrane fouling in MBRs restricts their widespread use. Critical flux is an important parametcr to control membrane fouling. This study investigates the change in membrane fouling in a flat membrane bioreactor operating at a sub-critical flux. The previous theoretical models are used to simulate the membrane fouling characteristics. Experimental results show that membrane fouling can be divided into two stages: the first period during which fouling gradually occurs and the second period in which fouling rises rapidly. The pore blocking resistance and cake resistance models can be used to simulate resistance with time in different periods. The analysis of membrane resistance distribution shows that resistance arising from cake formation is 73% of total resistance, resistance due to pore blocking is 24%, and clean membrane resistance is only 3%.
Environmental Pollution & Control