A new technical method of Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN) based on fuzzy logic and neural network is designed, which is used to construct a classified recognition of automatic pattern in cloud cover and height, using HIRS (High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder) data from 10. 5 - 12. 5/ma in the area (70°N- 70°S, 70°E- 150°W). It automatically recognizes the interrelated cloud cover and sort in high-level cloud, mid-level cloud, low-level cloud and no cloud areas. The distribution characteristics of membership function and the influence of geographical distribution on cloud are discussed, and it is pointed out that: the height of clouds is influenced by the geographical distribution, at the same time there are different influence degrees of underlying surface such as the plateau, ocean, land, forest, desert, etc. which cause incompletely same standard height of the same kind of cloud in different geographical regions. On the other hand, it should be a fuzzy areas in the compartition of height between cloud layers, but it is almost divided with the measure of threshold in the past research [it includes ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climate Project)] and will bring the error margin on the method, and thus influences the application of quantificational identifying classes of cloud in the weather forecast. Therefore, according to the weather tradition, it is divided into four kinds of cloud, i. e. , the clear sky or no cloud, low-level cloud, mid-level cloud and high-level cloud, and directly using HIRS data and making sure respectively each parameter of membership function [-a;, bi, ci], i = 1,2, 3,……, No, the distributive curve of membership function is obtained. But the classification of cloud height is still influenced by the geographical distribution and the change of latitude. In order to correct the influence, it is assumed that: (1) The distribution of membership function is influenced by the change of geography from south to north (here the change in longitude is neg
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
fuzzy neural network, satellite images, membership function