Objective To observe the different changes of alveolar maerophages and interstitial macrophages on secretory function. Methods Rat models of severe thoracic trauma were established,alveolar macrophages were collected from bronehoalveolar lavage fluid, mechanic flush and enzymatic digestion, and then separated and cultured. Secretory funetion of AM and IM were observed dynamically before trauma and 2,4,8,16,24h after trauma and ehallenged by LPS. Results A stable and reliable severe thoracic trauma model was successfully established with 400kPa-strike on the up-right ehest of rat by a multiple-function strike apparatus. Severe thoraeie trauma and LPS ehallenged increased TNF-α、 IL-6 secretion both in AM and IM. AM secreted more TNF-α than IM at 4,8,16h after trauma,and IM secreted more IL-6 than AM at every time point after trauma. Conclusion There effect of severe thoracic trauma on seeretion of TNF-α.IL-6 between AM and IM is different. The present study provides valuable laboratorial and theoretieal evidence for the research on ALI complieated with severe thoraeic trauma.
Journal of Traumatic Surgery