The plasma level of cyclic adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate(cAMP). specific activity of adenylate cyclase(AC) and phosphodiesterase(PDE)as well as level of cyelic guanosine 3'5'monorhosphate(cGMP) went measured with radioisotopic method in 11 benzene operating workers 22 patients with acute and chronic leukemia, 11 patients with digestive ulcer and 22 normal subjects. Research found that the plasma cAMP level and AC specific activity in benzene operating workers and patients with leukemia were significantly reduced than that in control (P<0.01). The PDE specific activity in benzene operating workers was higher than that in control. but the PDE specific activity in patients with leukemia was no significantly different than that in control(P> 0.05 ). The level of cGMP in benzene operating workers and patients with leukemia was significantly higher than that in control(P<0.01 ). The level of cAMP .cGMP and specific activity of AC and PDE in patients with digestive ulcer were no significantly,different than that in control(P>0.05 ). The mechanism of the benzene toxicology and ther egulating and significance of cychie nucleotide metabolism in benzene operating workers and patients with leukemia were discussed.